Sunday, November 9, 2008

Thoughts from Zhengzhou

I missed the train "again", and I will be late to work tomorrow. I thought to update this blog with my latest thoughts.
This weekend made a symbolic milestone. I survived to travel alone without meeting any Non Chinese speakers to help me on the way. My best friend was an "English to Pinyin" translator device... Anyway, let's me talk a bit about Zhengzhou.
First of all, I have never ever heard of Zhengzhou. When I booked the ticket, I did some reading and found out that it has the population of 7 million people that is similar to the population of Switzerland (a famous European country). My knowledge is shockinly skewed to the West...
If you are serious about connecting the dots between the history and the present of China, do visit Zhengzhou "Henan" museum. ( I will add some details later)...
The city has the stamp of a boring Chinese city "post office next to china bank next to massage place next to big ugly building next to post office ...". But its downtown is quite impressive. The architecture, the lights, the big brand shops, etc.. For some reason, I recalled downtown Zurich (a city in the small Switzerland).
Though, nobody talked English around here, I found some useful vital references: Mc Donalds and KFC.


Unknown said...

et bien voilà notre ibn batouta en chine!! personellement, Zhengzhou me rappelle un nom bérbére... ne serait tu par hazard vers les atlas!!

Anonymous said...

wow! I'm so proud u! How do u fell using all Chinese?
I guess u never though about it before :)
Very cool very cool !

Anonymous said...

i should go with u