Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Chinese Dragon

The dragon is a symbol of China. It is so embedded into the Chinese culture, that I had once asked my History teacher about its meaning..

And she checked her note and answered smilingly..
The dragon can have three meanings:
1- Dragon: The ancestor of all the Chinese people
Chinese grand grand father is the Dragon.
However, when I asked about my anestors, they did not know, but they knew it was not the dragon.

2- Dragon: Symbol of the Emperor in the feudal society
In fact, if a common person has a dragon symbil, that would be a majot violation, and he deserves to die.

3- Dragon: Symbol of Success
There is an old Chinese saying that all parents repeat: "Hope Son Becomes Dragon"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1) It means strong, powerful etc. Bruce Lee's Chinese name 李小龙, where 小龙 means small dragon.

2) Dragon can also be creatures exist in the past. Please refer to the nine children of Dragons at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_dragon

3) Other funny associations of ideas
- Some studies (still in debating and not proven) shown that Dragon was originally a creature created base on one animal, PIG. Hehehe. Of cause many people does not like the idea. But it can be possibly BOAR instead of pig, which is strong, powerful and persevere in fighting. Hunters believe that you can fight with bear or tiger but you shall never fight with boar. In the ancient time, boar can be an extremely scary creature.

- On the nine children of dragon thingi, many people still carve them in jades, especially those that is believed to bring wealth and health.

- “Constellation” section documented in the above wiki site is widely believed too.