Saturday, October 11, 2008

Chinese and France

Yesterday, I talked to two Chinese people who went to France and gave me two contradictory answers:
1- I like France. French people are like us, Chinese. They love good food and they are not direct in their communication.. Just like Chinese people...
2- I don't like France. I prefer the Spanish, Turks and Arabs, because they are more social and enjoy spending time together. French are colder...

An earlier famous encounter between the Chinese and the French was back the 17th century. A Chinese Shen Fu Tsung (left picture) on 1687 demonstrated to the French king Louis 14 (the right picture) how to use chopsticks. Louis 14, was also called The Sun King because France was revolving around him, like the earth was revolving around the sun.


happy said...

Different nations has different own culture,the sotial life,speaking,eating,dressing...a kind of thing is different each other. if they same completely,the two nations won't be able to the contradiction between nations never have been ending...

Anonymous said...

i kind of agree that chinese has much similarity to french. both are artistic and has brilliant literature history. (i.e. used to be lousy at maths)

so, the chinese gorvenment has put in strong science/maths emphasis since 30 yrs ago, if you noticed. now there are more science students than art students, and even the current president is from science stream.